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Bengal Classic Tea
BENGAL Classic Tea has handpicked premium black tea that comes from the best leaves of our own gardens. The Master Blenders and state-of-the-art machinery ensure a delicious blend for a superior taste of best-brewed BENGAL Classic Tea. Its amazing flavor complements an exciting gathering with friends or family...
Bengal Classic Tea
BENGAL Classic Tea has handpicked premium black tea that comes from the best leaves of our own gardens. The Master Blenders and state-of-the-art machinery ensure a delicious blend for a superior taste of best-brewed BENGAL Classic Tea. Its amazing flavor complements an exciting gathering with friends or family...
Bengal Classic Tea Bag
BENGAL Classic Tea has handpicked premium black tea that comes from the best leaves of our own gardens. The Master Blenders and state-of-the-art machinery ensure a delicious blend for a superior taste of best-brewed BENGAL Classic Tea. Its amazing flavor complements an exciting gathering with friends or family...
Finlay English Breakfast Tea 62 gm
For over 100 years connoisseurs & tea tasters have choosen our tea for their fine and superior blends. Our Clonal and Assam variety have been by far the first choice of tea blenders and packers of this region. Our vastly experienced tea tasters and blende through their expertise and passion ensure the finest ever tea experience for our tea drin..
Finlay Gold Tea 200 gm
"Finlay Tea Gold is a total refreshment package with the fresh aroma and excellent taste to give you company in the morning as well as in the evening time. It has antioxidant and that is useful for protecting your body from the negative effects of aging and the effects of pollution. Each sip you take of it makes you feel healthy.Product Type: Tea P..
Finlay Gold Tea 400 gm
Finlay Tea Gold is a total refreshment package with a fresh aroma and excellent taste to give you company in the morning as well as in the evening time. It has antioxidants and that is useful for protecting your body from the negative effects of aging and the effects of pollution. Each sip you take of it makes you feel healthy.Product Type: Tea Pre..
Finlay Gold Tea Bag
"Finlay Tea Gold is a total refreshment package with the fresh aroma and excellent taste to give you company in the morning as well as in the evening time. It has antioxidant and that is useful for protecting your body from the negative effects of aging and the effects of pollution. Each sip you take of it makes you feel healthy.Product Type: Tea P..
Finlay Green Tea Box 125 gm
Worldwide Green Tea is Known and acceppted as a healthy beverage due to its unique manufacturing process provideds a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color with a distinct character. Finlay Pure Green Tea is a choicest blend from our own Green Tea factory providing all the goodness of nature. Its smooth taste is a refreshing experience.A ..
Finlay Masala Cha Bag-in-Bag 50 gm
For over 100 years connoisseurs & tea tasters have chosen our tea for their fine and superior blends. Our Clonal and Assam variety has been by far the first choice of tea blenders and packers of this region. Our vastly experienced tea tasters and blenders through their expertise and passion ensure the finest ever tea experience for our tea drin..
Finlay Natural Green Tea 50 gm
Worldwide Green Tea is known and accepted as a healthy beverage due to its unique manufacturing process provides a delicious tea that brews to light golden color with a distinct character. Finlay Pure Green Tea is the choicest blend from our own Green Tea factory providing all the goodness of nature. Its smooth taste is a refreshing experience...
Finlay Premium Tea 200 gm
"Finlay Tea Premium is a total refreshment package with the fresh aroma and excellent taste to give you company in the morning as well as in the evening time. It has antioxidant and that is useful for protecting your body from the negative effects of aging and the effects of pollution. Each sip you take of it makes you feel healthy.Product Type: Te..
Finlay Premium Tea 500 gm
Finlay Tea Premium is a total refreshment package with a fresh aroma and excellent taste to give you company in the morning as well as in the evening time. It has antioxidants and that is useful for protecting your body from the negative effects of aging and the effects of pollution. Each sip you take of it makes you feel healthy.Product Type: Tea ..
Finlay Pure Green Tea Bag 100 gm
For over 100 years connoisseurs & tea tasters have chosen our tea for their fine and superior blends. Our Clonal and Assam variety has been by far the first choice of tea blenders and packers of this region. Our vastly experienced tea tasters and blende through their expertise and passion ensure the finest ever tea experience for our tea drinks..
Shinrai Green Tea
"Finlay Tea Gold is a total refreshment package with the fresh aroma and excellent taste to give you company in the morning as well as in the evening time. It has antioxidant and that is useful for protecting your body from the negative effects of aging and the effects of pollution. Each sip you take of it makes you feel healthy.Product Type: Tea P..