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Cute Emoji Gel Pen 12pcs
৳260.00 ৳360.00
Cute Emoji Gel PenCute Designed emoji gel pen, Girl heart product. Childlike product. Can be used for decoration, writing, fun, gift the pen to each people who display these emotions etc. Increase the value of face. Its a perfect gift item for kids birthday.About This Item12 Piece Emoji Gel Pen for Boys and GirlsAll emotions as shown in the picture..
Toggi A4 Paper by Bashundhara 80 GSM
A4 paper is the size most used in the world. The dimensions of A4 is 297 x 210 mm or 11.69 x 8.27 inches. It has an area of 0.062 m², which corresponds to 0.07 square yards, 0.65 square feet, or 93 square inches. When usual and recommended printing margins are put, the printable size of A4 is 247 x 170 mm.80 GSM ..
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